Contract Driven Development joins ApiFirst Paradigm
Miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2024
17:40 - 18:15
During the process, to develop several microservices following the approach of Contract Driven development, as part of the API First initiative, in a Spring ecosystem, we need to combine different APIs paradigms from different microservices. We found the actual tools had two problems: Don't support the paradigm and the actuals code generator doesn't suit our needs quite well, that is why we built our own tools and shared them with the community. We create a maven plugin capable of build a skeleton of code base on Asyncapi and/or OpenApi definition, and a Spring Cloud Contract (SCC) converter to be use with the original SCC Maven plugin capable of get an AsyncApi, or OpenApi, definition and generate the code for testing the producers and create the stubs for consumer. The main goal is allowing everybody to work with the paradigm of Api First along with Contract Driven development.
Jose E. García