
Streaming Success: Optimizing DORA Metrics through Comprehensive Software Development Practices

19:15 - 20:15


In an ever-evolving market, high-performance software development teams continually seek ways to deliver value and quality to end-users. This presentation examines the positive impact of well-rounded development practices, spanning from code generation to real-world software usage, on the DORA (Deployment, Operability, Resilience, and Availability) metrics, a set of key indicators for software performance. The talk investigates the organic progression of code development into functional software, exploring the symbiotic relationship between each stage and how they contribute to a high-performing development pipeline. Various aspects, including robust coding practices, effective collaboration, seamless integration, comprehensive testing, and streamlined deployments, contribute to this fluid process. Compelling examples and case studies throughout the presentation demonstrate the link between a well-rounded, flowing software development process and improved DORA metrics. Attendees will gain valuable insights into how their teams can embrace this interconnected approach, driving continuous value delivery and achieving exceptional performance in the software development landscape.


Alvaro Jose Lorente Perez

Alvaro Jose Lorente Perez